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What Goes Up - 19.April.2020

A very sunny day in Haugesund today. We got lucky, because with a workout with 2000 meter of running on the program, the last thing you'd want to be doing is running in the poring rain.

So yes, what goes up.. In today's workout, we stepped away from the heavy loaded barbells and gymnastics a bit to perform some nice conditioning movements. Double unders and running, a perfect combination to get the heartrate up and sweat out the weekend.

Starting with low reps doubles and shorter distances running, you can pick up the pace quite a lot. Then the reps and meters go up, meaning it's time to just settle in for the ride and chip away your double unders. In any case, you got more than enough time to 'practice' with the focuspoints for the double unders today: hands forwards, in front of the hips. Little things, big change.

In those double unders, it's not only a matter of skill but also of knowing yourself. If you know that you'd always trip after 30 double unders, it might be wise to adjust your plan to this. After all, tripping is a miss, stopping is a choice. Making the right choice here and flow through your doubles instead of going until failure and then tripping all the time, gives your workout a much better flow and makes you probably a lot less frustrated;)

We ended the workout with a nice 200meter run to sprint out all the left energy. Time to go to work, home or bed, tired but happy!

´´New´´ Korona Rules

The restrictions are a bit less from this week forward, meaning that we can get closer and closer back to normal. This means that there's less mandetory space inbetween squares (1m instead of 2 meters).

But because we as a gym want to take our responsibility, and we feel our members to, we've decided to keep the following rules in place for a little bit longer.

  • No access before the hour starts and classes end a bit earlier to avoid to many people in the same room at the same time.

  • The coach will get you outside and gives further instructions about what to get and when to get to your square.

  • In the squares, the masks can go off, but outside of the squares, masks go on.

  • No garderobe, but toilets are available.

And just like last week, we do this together. If everyone thinks with common sence and takes their own responsibility, we can handle this and get stronger out of this 'korona-crisis' than ever before!



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