Another good day to work, play with the kids, walk with the dog and of course spent an hour at Crossfit Verftet to get some training in. On the menu today: Round and Round. An 16 min AMRAP with some biking/rowing, Box Jumps, Pull Ups and DB Cleans. The flow of the workout of today was as followed: Buy in: 50 cals on the bike or the rower Remaining time an AMRAP of: 15 Box Jump Overs 12 C2B Pull Ups 9 Double DB Power Cleans
Yes as you can read it was or rowing or biking and no you couldn’t choose, that’s something what the coaches did for you! Lucky you if you could do your favorite equipment but good for you if you didn’t and are better now than you were yesterday! So now and then it’s a good idea to give the power to someone else and don’t make your own choices. Second fun part about today’s workout was that you had a lot of variations to scale down your pull ups to a level that fits you. Scaling down in reps or movement or both. Today it was all possible!
Tomorrow another good training on the program! Snakkes!
