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Freddagsbloggen uke 31 - Sand Wedge, Diane, Amaranth, Pushing Shelby, Summer Clown🤡

Maybe better saying the last day of summer. But at least I feel like when the Sun comes out I celebrate everytime that the Summer is going to start now 😅 So lets Take every Day as if it would be our last or first day of summer.

This way we will always be happy - enough said 😋

More important is next Weeks Friday!

Just two weeks to go until the individuals and teams kick-off! Their competition will be from 8-12 August (Tuva competes at the Teens from 30 Aug - 2 Sept)

While the athletes are putting the finishing touches on their training and tapering off to be in top shape, we luckily only have to figure out what we would like to drink on that Friday evening, the 9th of August, Click here to Join the Facebook Event:

I'm curious: Which athletes and teams are your favorites?!

Let me know in the comments who you are rooting for. You can find everybody that qualified here (select men/women or individual/teams in the top menu): 

Lets bring the attention to our box:

This week we had another classic week of CrossFit coming in hot with a Team of 2 into a classic Girl Benchmark and then some odd movements with the Kettlebell going over to a Fun Chipper and finishing off with a Team 3 looong Workout.

Starting of with Sand Wedge

Felt Like we couldn´t come out of that Sand hole. In Teams of two we had to split all the reps this time and we had a small rep scheme on the t2b to finally try to hit a t2b in a workout - Did you?

  • Rikke, Carina and Kjetil teamed up in 3 and represented in front of the Logo

  • Heavy Frontsquats but manageable for everyone

Then our Benchmark Diane - Handstand Pushup and Deadlifts. The last weeks we had the Head Coach sneak in some Handstand work and Deadlifts so we could all perform on this one:

  • Elisabeth went 1:30 faster than her old time in the same scale🔔

  • Roar got his first RX on Diane this Session🥳

  • Lotte went crazy fast on strict Handstand Pushups and a Batman weight on Deadlifts

And we found a very interesting Key - we love your dedication🦹‍♂️

On Wednesday Amaranth surprised us with a very interesting insight about grains:

Amaranthus is a cosmopolitan group of more than 50 species which make up the genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants collectively known as amaranths. Some of the more well known names include "prostrate pigweed" and "love lies bleeding". Some amaranth species are cultivated as leaf vegetables, pseudocereals, and ornamental plants. Catkin-like cymes of densely packed flowers grow in summer or fall. Amaranth varies in flower, leaf, and stem color with a range of striking pigments from the spectrum of maroon to crimson and can grow longitudinally from 1 to 2.5 metres (3 to 8 feet) tall with a cylindrical, succulent, fibrous stem that is hollow with grooves and bracteoles when mature. There are approximately 75 species in the genus, 10 of which are dioecious and native to North America with the remaining 65 monoecious species endemic to every continent (except Antarctica) from tropical lowlands to the Himalayas. Members of this genus share many characteristics and uses with members of the closely related genus Celosia. Amaranth grain is collected from the genus. The leaves of some species are also eaten.

Well and in our Box we did a 500m Run followed by a 100m each round different KB carry and 10 Benchpress, grueling Benchpresses in the last Round!

  • Bodyweight Benchpress was a really heavy choice, some tried but got defeatd by gravity:

  • Jon Tore with 100kg BP!!🤯

  • Or even Hans with 80..

  • Well you surely felt it for yourself...

  • The Last class we had some Folkens making up an Afterparty on their own. Good times!🤠

Thursday Pushing Shelby made up for a nice Pyramid work of Chipping away some Wallballs, KB Pushpresses, Rowing and Burpees over the Rower🐸

  • Supersmiley Mia

Friday was the go out Day of the Week! Sun, Sun, Sun ☀️😎🌻

In a Team of 3 we had a nice 30 Minute Sweat. Enjoying the first Day os Summer! 😝

Lets keep it in our heart eat a lot of Vitamin D now in the Winter and stay happy happy happy.

  • the Waiting Crew

  • Nice Dumbbell Catch

  • Double Unders inside

  • Morning sun is the best sun!

And we had 2 Mommas and Pappas classes this day, looks the same but the kids are different😅

Have a God Helg!!


Your beloved

Verftet Crew



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