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Fredagsbloggen - What are you doing?, Shell Shocked and Baby Kalsu.

Weekly Business Highlights 🎉

🌟 Andreas has used two days at Minde, in sum they are 20 clients short of breaking even with today's cost structure

🏋️‍♀️ The CrossFit Teens have 5 free Trial Classes in June and we would loveee it if you could help us out. Info below

🎉 We have a Summer campaign for clients coming home for the summer

🚀 Bingo for June is announced below! - Are you up for the challenge?

What are you doing?

The biggest question of the week! Thaddeus already wrote an answer to this question on the Wednesday Blogg and I want to add some other thoughts around this.

We have all encountered this moment in a Workout where we ask ourselves " what am I doing here? why am I putting myself into this crazy situation that I don´t want to keep on going, but I still do."

Great things happen at this moment. How often did you come into the Box see the Whiteboard and think "I will never be able to do that!" But then that moment hits us: "I did it" and I am even going beyond that. The Mental thing happening within us just gets into questioning our beliefs.

And suddenly after some weeks or months, you start believing in things you had never imagined to be achievable.

Coming to a a place where you go out with a new mind every day fresh and ready to question what you have been doing the past years will open you up to new things. Progress and Evolution are a part of our lives, coming into your beloved Box is helping you realize your potential.

A quote from a Senseo I read some time ago, but forgot the Name - shame on me: "The whole point of an existence is to evolve - if you are not evolving, there is no point in your existence..."

Let's see how we evolved these last three days:

We are already seeing a lot of PRs this week even if next week is our actual One Rep Max testing Week!🏋🏽

Deadlifts and "What are you doing?" Workout. A Fun Piece with Wallballs, Situps, and Deadlifts in a very manageable Rep scheme of 3-6-9 to really push the pace and get a lot of Rounds in 7 Minutes. Nearly 14 was the Max of the Day 🤯 - blows my mind!

  • Teens also do Wallballs, Deadlift and Situps but Backsquat in the Strength Part

  • Mobility and flexibility Seminar having a destress Hour and a BIG PR for Øivind: He touched his toes with extended legs for the first time since he can think 🥳

There was shell shocked, a Workout where we practiced to have a negative Split. Menaing our first Round should be our slowest Round increasing our Pace from Round to Round. that was possible to try out for 6 grueling rounds of Pullups Kettlebell Swings and a Run. I think quite a lot of us underestimated the impact on the forearms, but it was still a good experience🤪

Friday was the day to push the Backsquats and Go for a Baby Kalsu. Heavy to push into the Pain Cave of Burpees and Thrusters. EMOM 12 was still enough for a nice feeling of gruesome Stuff going on... In the video see the Mornign class going at the Thurster:

And more Fotos of the Morning Class

Whiteboard from Friday :D

🥸And again we remind you: with the summer coming up, we have devised some plans to keep assisting you in being active and healthy. Read about it here:

Wee hope you can share this message with all Teens #Freeestuff

Game Night Coming up in two weekends!

We will have a fun afternoon/evening event together on Saturday, the 8th of June. The Hinderløype starts at kl. 16:00. We fire up the BBQ at kl.17:00; bring your own food. We welcome participants to the Game Night at 18:00. We need teams of 4 so you and three other buddies can form a team. We would also love for you to show up as a "free agent" to get to know some more Verftetians. We will collect and mix the free agents, adding coaches where needed, to form teams in the evening. Join in on (a part of) the fun if you can!

See you, Oliver and Andreas



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