Our Elsk din viktigste Time Wall is ready. Get inspired and read it. The only thing I would add to this is to try to leave the ego outside the box. We are all Humans, and we are all at a certain point of our Fitness. Listen to your body and only to your body. No one will judge you here or blame you. Everyone is just proud that you are showing up.
We have Lost a competitor amidst of the Wordwide Community, it may seem trivial to us not being in the competition part. The thing is, this person also was training in a Crossfit box somewhere in the World. So he was a fellow Crossfitter who dedicated his life to the sport that holds us together as a community in the Box and as a community Worldwide. Should this be trivial to us? Could it have been a fellow friend out of our box? ...
If you are dedicated to this sport and have a certain feeling for the CrossFit Games Ahletes, come and share your thoughts with us this evening at the Sportsbaren. Also, next week, we will be open to all conversations and thoughts that arise within us.
Well this week had some highlight Workouts for us. We had some heavy Stuff at the start of the Week with Base Line and The Seven, going into an easy recovery Workout on Wednesday and then ramping up the Intensity towards Friday again. Read more under here:
Modays Base Line made us Crush the Barbells and get them from Ground to Overhead into a lot of Pushups, most had a bout 1 Minute for three rounds to get max pushups.
Great Work today on those pushups. A lot of insights into the technique got the people to rethink their pushup style.
Not only really heavy with the Diamond Variation of Pushups, but also really cool to see this:
Then Tuesday, we had the honor to do THE SEVEN, a really nice but hard Workout - 7 Rounds of 7 Movements, doing each for 7 Reps, a total of 343 Repetitions - Puh🤯
The seven, - heavy workout is taking quite a toll on some. Pukie feeling for
Susanne Hans Stine Gregor Mats Oliver
And Guro miscounted and did 8 rounds🥵 - while pregnant! Superstrong Woman🦸♂️
Quote Christian: I hope this workout only happens once a year!?
See in the Videos morning Class dying or killing it 😝
Luckily, we could recover on Wednesday with Storm Clouds or CLODS. Hm, well, it was Airsquats, Running, Lunges, Running, Situps, Running. Bodyweight excellence for this day on the Menu
Luckily we did not have to work against such a wind, but still after Lunges, the Run could have felt a little bit like this 😋
Next up was a Workout from the HWPO crew. Nice Focus on going as hard as possible on the Watts for the Bike and as high as possible on the Wallballs! Some were trying to make a Faceball a Wallball😂 Also, Highlights:
Karen Margrethe checking out Thomas’ press technique
The three musketeers hyping eachother through the 1730 class (Åsmund, Marius, Frode)
On the last Friday of this week, we did Hells Bells. Great song, great workout—always a challenge with a load on one side of your body! The Tabata bonus part was no easier than the workout, so it adds up to an hour full of movement.
Now, Off to the Sportsbar. Maybe we'll see you at BAF in the weekend! If not, we look forward to meeting you again next week.
Olli & the Team.