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Track Workout – 11.august.2020

Didn`t I tell you yesterday that this week was going to be fun. The sun is shining, the weather is good, we´re all happy: Let´s go to the Track. On the menu for today: 8 x 200m sprint on the track. A fantastic way to create both anaerobic capacity in the run, explosiveness in the run and get some technique training in while doing it. We did a 5km earlier this year. Today was completely different. A different energy-system, a different training stimulus and a completely different effect on your body, as a lot of you might have noticed. Some of you might like running, some of you might hate it, but the good thing about doing it like we did it today is that we did it together. Whatever you do in CrossFit or in life, it isn´t half as bad when you can do it together with your friends. I´m not the biggest fan of running either, still I head down to the track for a run every now and then and I´m happily joinging the running classes at Verftet. Because it doesn´t have to be about the run. It is about going there together, standing in the sun together, laughing together and maybe whining about running together. But after all that, we walk to the start line to line up with your friends, wait for the 3 2 1 GO and give it your all! Another cool thing about running intervals is that every sprint is another competition with yourself. As we put down the time of every run today, you immediatly knew your results so far. That also gives you the possibility to be a little bit better than yourself every round you do. A 200 sprint being only between 25 seconds and a minute, chances of you dying somewhere between that time are very small. So all out was the plan for every run again. Based on your faces, I saw a lot of you guys were not sure if you´re going to beat yourself in the last run. Looking at the score sheet, I beg to differ. A lot of PR´s were set on the last run, since it was all or nothing here. Good job guys. Fantastic weather, even better energy and the best people in the world. What more can we wish for? See you tomorrow! – Mart



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