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The Amanda Show - 16.August.2021

Yet another variation on a typical BenchMark workout. Like 'Amanda' alone isn't heavy enough, we decide to add a 1 mile run to it. 1600 meter running, followed by 9-7-5 Ring Muscle up and Squat snatch.

Both next level high-skill movement. Of all the gymnastic movements we have in CrossFit, the ring muscle up is probably one of the last you will add to your list of movements you can perform. It demands incredible strength and proper body-control to exercise. The movements exists of 3 main part; a pull-up, a transition and a ring dip. The transition is what maxes the exercise so difficult to learn: the pull-up we train a lot, as well as pushing variations like the push-up and the ring dip, but the transition is a movement we do not see back in any other movement that the RMU. Therefor, if your goal is to do a ring muscle up somewhere in your life, practicing the technique and strength of the transition is where I would start.

That's exactly what we trained on today in the technique-part: a false grip, a transition and a stabilization on top of the rings. Again, if your main goal is to master the RMU, get yourself some rings at home (or practice at Verftet) and transition the hell out of it!

We combined the ring muscle up today with another 'most difficult' movement: the squat snatch. Of all the things we can do with a barbell, this is probably the most challenging one. A lot of mobility and technique is required to do the movement on an empty barbell, let alone the strength you need to perform it at higher weights. It takes years to master the perfect snatch, and we don't have to learn it all at once. Give yourself the time: practice in class, and maybe some for yourself, with light weights untill you feel that what you are doing is right (and believe me, a perfect snatch you will feel;) ).

Combining these movements, together with the 1 mile run, is the absolute end range of what CrossFitters are able to do: heavy and techniqal weightlifting, majestic and strong gymnastics combined with a medium-distance run: CrossFit on it's finest!

Weightlifting Course & Classes

Do you want to properly learn how to snatch, or would you like to start going to Verftet's weightlifting classes? There is still 6 spots available on the Verftet Lift-off Course that starts next weeks monday.

For 10 weeks, we will practice the techniques needed for the difficult Snatch / Clean&jerk and we will work on our strength needed for those lifts, by doing Squats, deadlifts and presses. Getting stronger in the whole body, while working on our techniques for the olympic lifts: what more can we want?!

As an extra bonus, You will not have to follow the Verftet intro-to-weightlifting workshop anymore to get access to the weightlifting classes. Because after completion of the class, you will get lifetime access to the Verftet Weightlifting classes.

Mondays and Wednesdays, 18:30-19:30. For both new-beginners and experienced athletes!

Send a mail to for more information or to sign up!

You've got mail!

Aaannddd last but not least: check your mail! You got mail about our new coach Thaddeus and a bunch of news:D

Sleep well guys!



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