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Strict Press + "Hide and Seek" 23.11.2021

Gooooooooooood evening everybody, welcome to the Tuesdays blogpost.

Does anybody else feel like yesterday's workout was a proper kick-start with jet fuel to the week or is it just me?!

Where yesterday's intention was to go hard or go home, today's intention was to pick a pace and "win the workout". In other words, we wanted you to feel accomplished and positive after the workout, and not broken and buried. Positive self-talk during the workout goes a long way in accomplishing this. Asking yourself simple questions during training is a good example of this.

Ready for the next set? Yes. Doing a few more reps? Yes. Taking three breaths in a break and then getting back to it? Yes. This all helps to keep you focused, keep you positive, and help your performance as opposed to hindering it by damning yourself for not being as strong as the Games Athletes. Keep it stupid simple, like Helge.

The kids also worked up a good sweat and got in a little schooling afterward. All in all another great day at Verftet, and we have three more workdays like this coming up this week!


A little household memo before we close off; Saturday is the last possibility to register for the Julebal. Get this in the mind-body app under the button for "appointments" or go to to book your ticket. Get in on the action or miss out and wait another 365 days before you get a retry!

Enjoy the evening and the night. Let's get back in the box again this week to win another workout and to keep building that fun and fitness. A 1% increase is a steady pace forward, and if you keep doing that for some time, good things happen.

Sleep tight, Thaddeus



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