Today we had the perfect mix of what makes a crossfit workout the best. Some cardio, some gymnastics and some lifting. Having a 25min timecap everyone had to complete a total rep count of 75 front squats and 75 toes to bar, with having a hill run in between each movement.

To start this day off we all went through some stretches and getting use to are friend for the day (the barbell). then hitting the rack and getting some practice in knowing what version of toes to bar we are going for. Then drill into everyone what we are looking for in the front squats, because that is the main focus of all the movements today.

The toes 2 bar is to destroy our midline which we need for the front squats and the run is there to see if our legs still work after lifting all that weight up and down.

Coming into the workout plan wise. the best way to attack this workout is to attack it like your doing 21-15-9 reps. since how the rep scheme is 21-18-15-12-9, should try to focus on break each rep into 3 sets, for the 21 its 7-7-7 and for the 18 its 6-6-6 and etc. Making sure there is fuel in the tank for the entire workout and not going into this workout too hot, once everyone was up to the 12 or 9 rep. Then it was time for the pedal to hit the floor and get this finished

After weeks of having nothing but a empty fridge, we have finally got some drinks and bars for you all to enjoy. If you are going to purchase anything from the fridge, please vipps it and also comment in it what you have took please

The energy and focus into this workout was the best we could ask for and for that everyone killed it with what version they did and it was awesome to see that for everyone to do and end the week with a smile.
What Makes Verftet Verftet?
Since how we have gotten so many new faces joining into the verftet family, think its time to let everyone know whats makes our box so great. For starters we have one hell of a
community – Friendly coaches and members that are willing to help in any way has been one of the top and best part of our box.
Encouragement – I feel when people have a hard time to finish a workout or are having a bad day, we can always insure that everyone will be there to help and support each other to finish the workout and talk to eachother. To also cheer people on that are not finished and help them along the way.
Socialising – We always had the sofa area to help us at the start and end of the class to get to know eachother and have a cup of coffee. To also have people not as groups, but as one big group and family fibe. Which is awesome to have in a box like this
Having our fibe stick – We have a saying in Verftet. Smile, Have fun and high five. These 3 sayings is what we would like everyone to feel and have by the end of a class. Since how we cant high five during these times, a high elbow is just as good
So for our new members we hope you can keep this feeling going with us and enjoy the ride with our version of crosffit, come out with knowing more friend/family members and having fun safely and wanting to join the next day. For our old Family members, leaving it to you to not let our fibe go and to let the new members know why you love this place so much
Awesome job everyone enjoy your weekend