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´Rundy´27 August 2021

Randy went running and came back a new man: Rundy

I guess everybody came running back in because they were thrilled for tomorrow´s Dugnad from 0900 to 1600, but maybe I´m wrong. Unfortunately, Marie called in sick this morning, so wish her a speedy recovery if you get to talk to her. I think she is so fit, that nothing can keep her under the weather for a long time.

Anyway, another day at the box that was filled with fitness and fun.

We saw full classes, good effort, smiles and some great support for the people that were working hard to get as much work done as possible within the timecap. Some people even said they were upside down from it. We spent some extra effort to build shoulders like boulders with all the pressing. That might get you a bit sore tomorrow, but stronger after a day or two.

Tomorrow we have a great chance to work on Verftet 4.0. We plan to lay all the rubber flooring, set up the new rig, finish painting the new room and some small chores here and there to progress the box towards becoming Scandinavia´s best. We can´t do it without your help, and we wouldn´t want it any other way either.

I wish you all a lovely weekend. We hope that you are able to contribute a bit of your time and talents to tomorrow´s Dugnad. If not, no hard feelings, we will welcome you with open arms for a workout next week!




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