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Ride like the wind - 05.Juli.2021

Todays workout was sweaty. And a bit different sweaty then normally, but that has more to do with the enormous humidity in the air than only the workout of today. Still, it was a little pearl, this one.

We started this week with a 2 part workout. In the first part, we were practicing with the cleans by performing complexes of 2 clean pulls and 1 full squat clean. The clean pull, basically a clean deadlift with a nice extension on top, is to teach you all the correct positions of the first part of the clean. After all, a decent clean pull means a decent clean.

After the 2 pulls, it was time to put this into practice by performing the full squat clean. Goal here was to do exactly the samen things as in the first 2 pulls, only now followed by the rest of the clean, the diving under the bar and standing up.

After this technique part, it was workout time. 10 rounds, yes, 10 rounds, of 5 squat cleans and 10/7 calories on the bike. Extra goal of today was not to do it as fast as possible, but to have a good pace, a good plan. In order to do that, a nice goal to have was to make your halfway-time, so 5 rounds in, exactly the same as your full time. Often, we see that people have a great halfway time and then slow down in the last part because they are tired. That has not so much to do with the workout being to hard or to long, it´s more that your plan was not good.

Aiming for a nice pace and a negative split on the second time allows you to enjoy the workout more but also to get to know your body better. What can I handle, what RPM on the bike is to fast and what is smart to do with cleans.

Yes, we are trying to make you smarter now at Verftet:D

Nocco Raspberry or Nocco Pære

And then a quick request to make our administration a bit more in control:

Please choose on the IPad exactly what you are taking. Why? Because we work with an automatic stock-system, which gives us a warning when we need to order new Nocco. In order to keep this under control, we need to know what is in the kjøleskap. If you take a Nocco Raspberry, but pay for a Pære, our system is not trustworthy anymore and you have the risk of missing out on your favorite flavour next time because we couldn´t restock it in time.

So please, pay what you take, take what you pay!

Party Time


Vi feirer både 5 og 6 år og ønsker veldig gjerne at vi kan treffes uten treningsklær. Det er lenge siden. Under ser du bilder av vår Julegalla, ingen visste hva 1 meter avstand var og som vanlig blei det en fantastisk feiring .

Det blir ikke like mye stas som julegallaen vår. Den er allerede under planlegging og artisten som kommer der i år blir veldig veldig gøy og annonsere . #åretshappening

Men som dere ser på bilde så er det ikke skikkelig fest på Verftet uten live band og denne gang også skal Rato + Bjørnar lage deilig herlig liv UTE på parkeringsplassen vår .


- Oppmøte 17.00

- Vi har grillene klare, dere tar selv med mat og drikke. Vi ordner salater og snacks.

- Vi ordner selvfølgelig underholdning.

- Og da selvfølgelig liveband og god stemning på parkeringsplassen.

- Livebandet er ferdig i 22.00 tiden hvor kvelden fortsetter på indrekai for de som ønsker det.

- Personer kan velge å ta med eget alkohol, drikke vann, eller sukkerfri brus .

- Alle CrossFit Verftet medlemmer kan ta med +1. Personene som er +1 må sendes på mail til senest 26.Juli.2021.

Vi håper vi ser deg der og gi gjerne beskjed i eventen om du kommer.



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