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Push Jerk & Split Jerk - 15.Februar.2020

Welcome to yet another week full of training lined up for you. The snow is slowly disappearing again and spring is coming, which in Haugesund means nothing less than even more rain I was told. I hope you guys have had a great weekend and are ready to rock this week again!

To start off, today we did some high end weightlifting. We have been snatching and jerking our way through 2021 so far, but the jerk has been a bit out of the picture. Until now. We had 20 minutes to build up towards a heavy complex on the push jerk & split jerk. And heavy complexes we got.

A brief warm-up was followed by 4 minute of box-jump practice. There's more reasons for doing box jumps, but today we had 2 main goals. At first we wanted you to practice a little bit with doing box jumps without a clock or a 160bpm heartbeat making your life harder. Practicing low-intensity box jumps, or any other skill for that matter, can really help in becoming more skillfull in a movement. Take your time, focus and just try to get better at the movement.

Reason number two was that box jumps are a very helpful skill to prepare you for weightlifting movements. It helps to activate the main muscles you use in weightlifting, your glutes. Get a good hip-pop going before we start doing weightlifting is extremely helpful in feeling and understanding the mechanics of the movement a bit better.

After these box jumps, we practiced both jerk-movements without and with a stick, before heading on to the heavy part. 20 minutes of jerks later, it was time to close off with a ending part of 3x10-15 behind the neck presses, to get some extra strength in. Not so much heavy breathing but still many sweaty body's (because we don't need to roll on the floor of exhaustion to get a good workout in ;) ). We learned something today and got big shoulders while doing it. Very good stuff.

New Podcast Episode

Tonight at 21:00, a new podcast episode comes online! Here, we talk about the setting of goals. Are you looking for that 100kg Back Squat this year or wanting to lose that 5kg. Learn how to succesfully set & reach a goal by listening to our podcast. Also we announce a new member of the month and have some news!

Find VerftetPOD episode #9 now at Spotify & Apple podcast!

See you tomorrow guys, and sleep well!



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