Finally, some serious weightlifting. Today, we had a nice complex on the menu, with high hang cleans, hang cleans and front squats. For most of us, it has been a while since we´ve been throwing around heavy weights, so some technique training was more than welcome today.
After the Korona-times, we have been working with some deadlifts, some lightweight weightlifting and a lot of squats. Therefor, today we went in for the kill with this weightlifting complex. We started with some technique training (What was a high hang clean again?!), followed by 15 minutes of time to find a heavy single on the following complex: * 1 High Hang Clean * 1 Hang Clean * 3 Front Squat Sun´s out, guns out and off we went! There was some yelling, some grunting and PR´s were set, supercool to see those heavy weighs flying around! Then it was time to deload the bar, set up a clock and go in for the finisher with a 5min AMRAP of 3 Hang Power Cleans and 3 Front Squats. Heart rate through the roof and let´s get strong together. Of course, we are not saying what´s coming up next week, but with the weather looking more than good, it good very much be possible that we´re going to get some more of this. Goodbye for now Barbell – Until we meet again:)
I dag har det vært full fres på Instagram! Grunnleggeren av CrossFit har uttalt seg veldig uprofft ift Floyd saken som har vært et stort tema den siste perioden.
Dette har brakt med seg en svært stor reaksjon fra CrossFit verden der absolutt alle CrossFit “influencerne” har sagt sine meninger.
Vi har ikke delt så mye og vi har heller ikke forlatt CrossFit brandet som noen har valgt og gjøre. Vi velger å være litt mindre impulsive. MEN vi støtter selvfølgelig ikke rasisme, eller hans uttaleser og som dere vet så hashtagger vi ofte #enplassfor alle. Og det er Verftet virkelig, uansett kjønn, alder (hverfall fra 7-120år) eller hudfarge :). Eneste som ikke er velkommen hos oss er de med dårlige holdninger #alltidpositiv ;).