God kveld folkens!
The sun was shining, the weather was sweet. It made you wanna move, your dancing feet!
And we got some good movement in today. A team two workout where we alternated between 3:00 of rowing and a little round of box jumps, burpees, and sit-ups.
Even if your legs felt a little heavy from earlier training this week, it must have been good to get them moving again today. A few weeks ago during a personal training session, the book Atomic Habits came up (would recommend that 10 out of 10). Today I saw this quote from that book pop up on my social media. It confirmed once and for all, that showing up to do a workout is almost never a bad thing. If you keep doing it over time, the habit of training, of doing hard stuff, only gets stronger. If you haven't trained in a while though... this is your wake up call to get your butt back in the box!
Today we saw a lot of athletes control the one thing they can always control: How much effort they put in. That is great, and combined with a strategy of slowly increasing the pace on the rower makes for a good training stimulus. It get's you one tiny step closer to more fitness, all the while feeling great while building that fitness.
On a special note:
Today marked the last day of the Sunn & Sprekk course, all athletes improved their score on "Fortitude" and got another InBody scan.
Liv Marie completed the ladder at the afterparty and swung the big bell
Helene had her PT-group praise "Hallelujah"
At the end of the day, this all led to smiles, sweat, and increased fitness. Good stuff. The whiteboard looked like this:
Ooh and don't forget: this Saturday from 18:00 onwards... Game on!
Sleep tight