Karoline left us to live and study in Molde but now she is repping it at Crossfit Molde! 🔥 Showing everyone were she is coming from and letting them know which box is most amazing in Norway! ❤️ We miss you girl!
What an amazing day was it today!! Weights were flying up and down as well as sweatdrops 😀 Heavy weights in a variation of front squats combined with heavy breathing when doing the double unders. Despite of corona we were still able to do a nice buddy workout with the 1.5m corona-distance between everyone!
7 rounds for time 60 Double Unders 20 Front Squats *weight goes up every round. Divide the reps with your buddy
Starting the warm up with some fun wall to wall movements. Followed by Double Under practice what is always fun to do and to see improvement in every class! After that mobility for the Front Squat + some tips and tricks how to do the squats when the weight becomes heavy. As last spent we some minutes on the Clean, because how to Front Squat if you have no idea how to bring up that bar from the floor to your shoulders?!?! Then time to build up to your heaviest weight of the day with for some of you guys 100kg on the bar and 70kg for the girls!! 🔥 Oke enough warmed up, now… SHOWTIME!!!😃🌟🌟 Smiles and Painfaces! Thanks for your power and energy guys, you all made my day! 😍❤️ See you tomorrow at BAF, if not have a good weekend and be ready for a next week of cool WOD’s but your best buddies and most loved coaches!😋