Well for the last day of the week, we all went for a long, long, long workout today. Today we had a workout called “Brace for impact” a very sweaty workout. It was a 40min Emom (Every min on the min) Movements went From rowing, American Kettle bell swings, burpees, double unders and ending with a min rest
Did not have a lot of time for everyone to get ready, so since how we all had a heavy week on the shoulders it was best to losen them up with the ball. After that giving everyone time to try out the movements and to figure out which standard, to go through on this workout. What we wanted to aim for everyone is to have 35 – 45secs of work to each movement, whilst having at least a 15sec break before going to the next station.
Trying for everyone to aim for a standard to keep throughout the 40min is a challenge and everyone attacked it awesome. For the day we all had a smile and a fun time for today
Enjoy the weekend Everyone, see some of you for bring a friend tomorrow