Today´s workout was super super heavy but also really satisfying! A combination of barbell snatches and wallballs. Two typical crossfit movements combined. As is known are workouts with only two different movements mostly the hardest one. Think about Fran.
‘Red Zone´ 30-20-10-20-30 reps of Hang Power Snatch 🏋🏽 Wallballs 🎱
That means in total 220 reps!! 110 wallballs and 110 snatches! Heavy for the shoulders it was!💀
We started the training with a fun-weird warm up were we did ´the Ben´ also known as a crazy high jumping jack! 👻
After that we used some time to spent on the technique of the wallballs, to make it easier to survive through the high amount of reps without being totally destroid. After giving some tips and tricks and warming up the legs, it was time to get out the barbells and practice with on the Hang Power Snatch. Today´s focus was using the hips instead of letting the arm doing all the work. For a lot of members something new but we saw some good lifts. After all the technique training a short spec warm up to test the weights. Then… Ferdi…., Klart…., Go! And showtime it was. A lot of sweat, heavy breathing and sore muscles.😖Great job everybody, good way to start the weekend! Ha en god helg! 😃☀️