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Three Eagles 2-10-2020

Last day of the week and after some heavy cardio workouts through out the week, we finished with Three Eagles. A very hard but very fun workout, a 30min workout which every 10min you jump to a different workout. What 3 workouts in one day what could be better, Better is having the best all of our members and team attack this workout and killing it.

With 60% of the workout being cardio and the other 40% being barbell cycles, it was a very fun and challenging workout to do and end the week with a smile. But in order to give all of our athletes the time they deserved to hit this workout in the time scale. The team had to be very strict and efficient with give everyone the best of warmups and movement prep we could fit in, and everyone helped out in making that happen which was awesome to see and coach.

We truly have a crossfit box that helps out everyone when need and is amazing to have, fantastic job guys.

Everyone who had attacked this workout knew it was going to be a challenge with the 1mile run, then the 3 rounds for time and finally another 1 mile run. But everyone took the pace very well and attack the 3 rounds with thrusters in it, like champions and also hitting the last mile run with the same pace than the first. If not faster

Fantastic work guys, Enjoy the weekend. See you next week for another fun and awesome workouts



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