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Sam's Jam 07.01.2022

We are Jammin' and I hope you like jammin' too!

Almost like Bob Marley once sang.

One important household memo is, that if today's WOD was not your jam, our coaches are here to help you. We'd love to make you a workout on the spot or incorporate any wishes you might have into a nice little piece for you. There has never been a better time to get a coach to help you with some nagging pains, to work on your weakness, and show you some skill work. We basically do personal training for everybody these days. If you haven't been in yet under these conditions, please come and check it out.

Today we sprinted for 5 rounds of rowing and DT, with a little rest break in between. Luckily we could take some weight off the bar every round to keep the speed high. The afternoon hours were koselig with a lot of people in, which gave us a great chance to shoot some footage for our social media channels.

We will announce this on our Instagram and Facebook page shortly, but to make training without group classes even more fun, we created public playlists on Spotify where you can add your favorite training tunes. You can get a head start this weekend by adding songs here:

Todays' whiteboard looked like this by the end of the day:

For the upcoming weekend, we have our "Saturday and Sunday Suggestions" on the whiteboard in the lifting room ready for you. Use your keycard to get in and have a great workout. We ask you to please clean up after yourself, turn off the lights and double-check if you have locked the door. If you leave the box ready for the next members to train in, they only have to deal with their own equipment, which usually feels hard enough after a workout.

Have a nice weekend, enjoy life, and we will meet again soon!




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