And then it's friday already. It might be because I am coming back from a holiday or actually because of the programming, but my legs are still fried from monday. To help you recover from the airsquats on monday, we decided to do some more legs on tirsdag.
Of course, this resulting in some serious gangsper, we needed to give the legs some rest on wednesday. Therefor, 100 sandbag squats seemed like the right thing to do.
Walking this week like we are 70 years old, doing high rep front squats and burpee box jump overs was exactly what we needed right?
Today was a nice interval-based workout, with 5 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest. Every interval starting with a 400meter run, followed by an AMRAP of Front Squats and burpee box jump over. Since it was only 5 minutes of work at the time, what's the worst thing that can happen in 5 minutes? So, sprinting time! Going for the same round+reps every interval was the goal, since the weight on the squats went up but the reps went down. Time wise, this gave you more time for your rounds. Legs wise, a bit less, since the legs were pumping already after round 1. Having the weight go up in round 2 and 3 brought just that extra spice that we wanted.
Combined with the nice temperature, a sweaty sun and pumping music, it was a sweaty day again. Lovely right before the weekend. Have a great weekend guys, see you tomorrow and otherwise next week.
Verftet Merchandise
In the beginning of august, our new merchandise will arrive. As you can see on the picture below, Ben is already testing some of the prototypes while painting the roof of the new room. We are not quite sure about that one yet, but we can already confirm that T-shirts and Gym-bags (jaja!) are definately coming. These white shirts will be an addition to the Verftet-5-years collection of last season that we also still fully offer. So don´t worry, enough sweaters and tanktops still on sale, this will only be an addition to the clothing-line!
We will keep you up to date with pre-orders!