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5K Run! 19.juni.2020

Run forest, run! Today we had the 5K run on the program with a timecap of 30 minutes. It’s CrossFit so we need to keep variance in our trainings, what means always expect the unexpected. We did the run on the track to make it easier to track your rounds and time and to run on a nicer surface. If you were not able to run we had a nice alternative workout. Instead of running you had to do a 25 min AMRAP of 1 arm KB carry around the track. You could switch arm whenever you wanted, but every 100m you had to do 6 KB lunges and every 400m you had to do 15 burpees over the KB (to start with burpees also). See below all the scores of today!

Note your time somewhere were it’s easy for you to find it back! When we have the 5K run again you can see your progress in fitness.

Before we started with the running we did a fun dynamic warm up to make sure that the calfs, ankles, hamstrings and glutes were warmed up enough. After that the members had to do 1x 400m on easy pace and 1x 400m on moderate pace to know how fast they could go during the ‘game rounds’.

The coach at the side of the track was keeping count of how many rounds the members had done, how many rounds left, if they had to speed up or to slow down a bit and of course the time. If you wanted to finish the 5K you had to do 12,5 rounds (of 400m).

Although it’s not the most favourable workout of many, they all did a really good job! And after Corona everybody amazed us of their performance! New PR’s in the book! For now we can say goodbye raske briller 😎and running shoes! 🏃🏽 Don’t see you back soon 😋 Ha en god helg!



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