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Front Loaded - 18.Mai.2021

Hoped everyone has enjoyed there 17th may celebration. Now its time to burn off that cake and alcohol, so for today we Have Front Loaded. A workout that consists of front squats, kettlebell swing, Lateral burpee over the barbell. Rep scheme on 21 - 18 - 15- 12 - 9

To start the session off we got some various movings to warm up the body, with some stretches and some mobility. To be ready for todays workout

Then we worked on our techniques for the movements, teaching our athletes that using a pull and push motion in our kettlebell swings will help be effective in the reps and making sure we dont swing with long arms and arching out our backs.

Getting more into the front squats and loading up for todays workout, hitting that spec warm up, then its time to take this workout on. Mindset we wanted our athletes to do in this workout, is to break up the first 2 reps numbers since how its alot of reps to start with. But when it hits the 15-12-9 we want to unbroken, to hold on and finish those reps with dropping and resting

After having some party time this weekend, seeing everyone burning what was consumed this weekend with full of energy and determination was amazing to see great job guys

We have a board up for our Coaches who are leaving us Sam and Eline. To show how much they mean to us, if you guys would like to leave some words about them and what they meant to you when they coached here that would mean alot to them and us. Could you also leave your name under your comments that would be amazing thank you guys and thank you Sam and Eline

Samantha had her last Teens Class today. It’s really sad to say goodbye to these amazing teenagers 😞

They finished her last given training with her joining them with a Team 11 workout followed by eating chocolate muffins to fuel the muscles! 💪🏼🧁🤎

Haugesund klarer seg bra om dagen og vi åpner opp litt etter litt, slik som Norge. Situasjonen er mye bedre enn før vi stengte ned, vi holder mange strenge retningslinjer men åpner litt opp.

CrossFit Gruppetimer

Vi åpner opp SOFAHEMSEN! - MEN, bare etter trening, før trening må du fortsatt vente ute eller til en trener gir beskjed om at du kan komme inn.

Ellers er rutinene like som før.

Om du har noen spørsmål så svar gjerne denne mailen eller spør oss på trening.

Vi gleder oss til å ha det litt ekstra hyggelig og drikke kaffe med dere.

Resten av våre tilbud går som normalt; Nutrition, PT, Kurs, BAF, Kids, Teens.


© 2023 by Verftet

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