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Vertigo – 11.03.2020

Today we had a very fun basic looking workout today called vertigo a 18 min amrap that you ascend in reps by 10 each time you finished that set of reps.

We had everyone start with the favourite roxanne performing a lunge every time you hear a certain word. Then after that working on those russian swings, for everyone in the classes it got to make everone aware of how they should perform those perfect swings and stop our athletes from getting those un wanted injuries, after that a quick practice with the movements. then 3…2…1 rock on.

The Machine

everyone in each class attacked with full force and got some pretty proud scales and rounds. always attacking new standards and heights always getting better. lastly we all had plenty of time to get a good stretch after this workout, read for tomorrow

People cant be coming to us saying we have problems with this corona virus. Thats because we have the best community that looks after each other and makes sure that we will not spread anything to others in this box. Awesome jobs verftet athletes, keep up the good work.



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