Run, swing, lift. That sums it up pretty well. For today, we had a pretty technical workout on the schedule: 1 mile of running, followed by 50 toes-to-bar and ending with 50 snatches. Here´s the scores to begin with:
We started the day off with quite some drills. Some hops over the stick, some presses in a squat and other mobility work that only needs a stick. Followed up by the Snatch Barbell warm up. This is a different routine than our other warm-up, since we´re going to do snatches. For this we need to warm up our overhead squat position, a wider grip in the deadlift and a bit higher pulls! And a bit of variation is never a bad thing.
After that, it was time to practice. We walked you through some pointers for the ToesToBar, where the focus today was speed. Rather than making a long swing, swinging your legs out all over the place, we wanted you to tuck in your knees in while doing the T2B. Making yourself small also means creating shorter distance to the bar and makes the toes to bar a bit easier. Just one speedy kick to add to your knee raises and your toes to bar are a fact. And a lot of you did some pretty swinging today!
Ending with the snatches. High skill barbell movement but really rewarding if you got it right! Some technique practice with the stick, stepping over to the barbell and it was go time.
Going steady on the run was key to maintain a good workout. Controlling your breath, get in and walk straight up for the toes to bar. Also here, small sets and keeping in control was key, in order to fire it a bit up during the snatches. All with all, a nice little grinder to bit through for today. You worked hard. I am proud. Sleep well now and let´s meet again tomorrow for yet another nice little fun piece! – Mart