5 rounds as fast as possible, with a timecap of 5 minutes per round, we had to do:
1000/800m Assault Bike
30 Abmat Sit Ups
15 Ring Row
Easy... This is my warm up... Nooo not the Assault Bike... Huh isn't that a mistake, do we also have Ring Row for RX??... All thoughts what is going through your mind when you read the workout. But no it was not that easy, no it didn't feel like a warm up, Yes we like the bike better every day and NO it wasn't a mistake, also level RX did Ring Rows today. To keep the variance in the movements and to create the most solid foundation for the shoulders is it important to strengthen the back muscles by doing some horizontal pulling instead of only vertical pulling. That's why we choose today for Ring Rows on every level. And believe me this was hard for everyone! Fixing your feet on the floor and pulling only with the upperbody (without a little cheat/swing) makes it a real strength exercise. This combined with heavy breathing on the bike and a core killer on the 150 reps of sit ups made the workout accomplished.
Now it's time to take a shower, provide yourself of some healthy nutrition and recover the body by getting enough sleep in. Good night everybody! PS: There are 2 spots left on the gymnastic course which is starting this Monday. Any interests in strengthening the shoulders & core even more and learning some cool skills at the side? Ask coach Samantha for some information or send an email: samantha@crossfitverftet.no
