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Granola Bar – 10.august.2020

Summer is back! On this very sunny monday, we are opening the week with a sunny workout as well as a sweaty one: First we start off with finding a heavy single on the cluster. While the most of you might now the thruster and the cluster, the squat clean thruster, in workouts with 40 reps, a cluster is also a very fun movement to find a heavy single on. The reason why we love the heavy cluster so much is because it tests so much of your fitness when it comes to moving with a barbell: The squat clean has to be pretty, you have to have an explosive front squat as well as a pretty decent push press. If one of these 3 is lacking, the whole lift is lacking. On the other hand, if both these 3 are on point, and a lot of you guys have both these 3 on point after today, the lift is an fantastic way of showing your skill in weightlifting. Lots and lost of PR´s were set today, as you can see here:

After the showing off with throwing heavy barbells around, it was time to pump up the volume of the music and throw up the heartbeat. A 12 minute AMRAP of heavy clusters and burpees over the bar. This is how we all know and love the thruster: high reps, high heartbeat, high intensity. Combining it with burpees gave most of you what you are coming here for: a sweat, an adrenaline-rush , a virtual high-five and a good feeling for the rest of the day or night. Let´s hope these sunny days last for a while. I wish you all a very good week and hope to see you a lot this week, the program of this week is definately worth it:) – Mart



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