Every year again to see our progress and because it is a really nice workout to do: DT.
5 rounds for time 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Clean 6 Push Jerks An amazing day to coach because their is no time to have your thoughts somewhere else or to sit down. Coaching, coaching and coaching! Explaining the technique and fixing little mistakes with our coach´s eye. Happy accident! We had small classes today since the weather was amazingly good, but this gave the athletes who were joining the class even more individual coaching! Before we did DT we started with spending some time on building up for a heavy complex of 3 deadlifts, 3 hang power clean and 3 push jerks. Good to pay extra attention on weightlifting with the same movements as the workout after. Less reps and no high heart rate, so more weight on the barbell! Their are set some new PR´s! To attack DT it´s all about good barbell cycling and knowing when and how long to take rest. Using a mixed grip on the deadlifts to save your forearms. Starting with 11 deadlifts, rest and switch to a hook-grip, 1 deadlift + 8 hang power cleans, rest, 1 hang power clean + 6 unbroken push jerks and a rest again before starting the next round. Trying to keep consistency in time over the 5 rounds and go a bit harder on your last round if their is more energy left in your tank. Some of you did DT for the first time others lifted heavier weights or had a faster finish time than last time!! Note your score and beat it again next year! Have an amazing weekend!
If you want to have a look at how Annie Thorisdottir does her DT see the video below. Always good to have some inspiration!
Ting skjer i den nye fantastiske garderobe!!😍 😍