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Curlew - 01.Februar.2021

First of all ! - ESKILD is back in business. Så hyggelig å se han komme inn døren i dag. For dere som ikke kjenner Eskild har han vært trener på Verftet, han er en #gooddude og vi er utrolig glade for at han har kommet tilbake til oss. Han er fit as fuck, men samtidig skikkelig heltre ;).

Blir litt Norsk/Engelsk blogg i dag da jeg måtte snike meg litt inn i bloggen. Får jo lenger ikke blogge hver dag, så da er det gøy å snike litt av og til.

Tenkte vi skulle tease bloggen litt i dag, alltid gøy å se at det er så mange som leser den og da måtte jeg dra frem noe jeg leste for ikke så lenge siden som jeg tenkte passet godt for alle å kanskje reflektere over.

Om du får lov til å kjøpe en bil nå, det kan være hvilken bil som helst. Den kan koste akkurat hva som helst, men du kunne uansett kjøpe den. Hvilken bil ville det vært? - Haken er at du måtte ha denne bilen resten av livet og kunne ikke bytte.

Tenk litt på det før du leser videre, hvilken bil hadde du valgt?.

Poenget er ikke bilen du kjøper. Poenget er at om du hadde kjøpt en bil i morgen som du måtte ha resten av livet ville du tatt utrolig godt vare på den, fulgt alle servicer. Vasket, polert og virkelig tatt godt vare på den. Hvorfor gjør vi ikke alle mennesker det med kroppen og hjernen vår? Vi er utdelt en kropp og et hodet. Hvorfor leser ikke alle hver dag og utvikler seg, hvorfor trener ikke alle CrossFit hver dag og tar vare på helsen sin?. Kanskje hver dag er litt overkill, men du har bare en kropp og en hjerne så hvorfor ikke ta godt vare på den? :)

Mart´s beautiful story

What a wonderfull world it is, waking up in a white-covered Norway this morning. And as it says, sun's out, guns out, today we were ready to let the beast out of the cage again. Some serious legwork for todays workout, with 3 different exercises, focussing on 3 different muscles in the legs.

We started with a 4 round workout of 40 Air squats and 12 deadlifts. Those 40 airsquats focussing mostly on the Quadriceps (the front of the legs), blowing them up nicely before going to the deadlifts. Picking up a heavy bar for 12 repetitions afterwards gave a nice little spice in the hamstrings (the back of the legs). Breathing and a nice leg-pump, good way to start your monday classes. After your 4 rounds of pumping quads and hammies, we had the rest of the 13 minute timecap to find a 2 reps max on the thrusters. While the thruster is a combination of the front squat and a press, most of the power in this movement should be coming from the Glute-muscles (the ass), which completed our hunt of all 3 big muscles in the lower body. A nice squat is handy for a heavy thruster, and having some overhead strength also helps a lot, but nothing can beat a good boost from the glutes to pump that barbell up. Especially with all the lactic acid of the workout before still in the legs, these 2 thrusters pushed the intensity nicely for a monday.

It's going to be very cold this week, so it appears like we get to enjoy the winter wonderland a bit longer. But don't worry, the coffee is hot and the workouts are sweaty, so we'll see you at Verftet for your daily dose of steamy and sweaty stuff!

Egentrening At Nighttime

We see that there is some confusing about the egentrening at night. Because there's a lot going on at night at Verftet and we still want to guarantee that everybody can do the training they want to do, we've limited the max amount of people doing egentrening at the same time to 2 persons. In the schedule in the Mindbody-app, you'll find 2 timeslots at night for egentraining where you can sign in for these hours (17:00-18:30 or 18:30-20:00).

As said, the main reason to do this is that we want that if you come in for egentrening, you have the room you need to do whatever you want. If we would let everybody do egentrening at the same time at night, it would be very cramped up which is not nice for you but also not safe with Korona still being our enemy.

The coaches will be 100% strict on this from now on, meaning that if you have not signed up for one of the time slots between 17:00 - 20:00, we have to ask you to leave and come back after 20:00. Of course, we don't want to do this either so please make sure to sign up for a spot if you would like to do your own training!

Ask the coaches for more information or for help how to sign up in the app!



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