Let’s start this week with a serious note: As most of you probably know, I, Mart, am from the Netherlands. We speak to our family and old friends quite often, so we have a good view on how things are going over there. As a personal trainer and gym enthousiast, it hurts me to see how it’s going there.
Gym’s are partially closing, forbidding their members to coming in max 3 times per week and putting half their equipment in the corner because they’re not allowed or supposed to use it anyway. Gyms are going out of business, losing members and maybe even more important, members are losing their gyms.
We are feeling quite blessed that we moved to Norway, where everything is close to normal. But that’s an important thing to say, close to. Things are still not normal. Please be aware of that. It’s tempting to go back to our friendly way of sitting close to each other in the sovehems, secretly high-fiving your best friend because you do that outside of the gym too, and forgetting to spray your hands because you’re in the middle of a workout. Much of our precious moments in the week come from the fact that we get to work with you guys, and we would like to keep it like that. All we ask from you in order to facilitate this is to keep our ‘rules’ in mind:
Wash your hands when you enter and leave the gym
If you share equipment, spray your hands before you enter the machine
Do not share other materials, other than the bikes/rowers
Do not touch each other, even if you are used to doing that outside of the gym (other members and coaches don’t know that)
Keep your distance (1 meter), also when just ‘hanging out’ at the gym
This way, we make sure that we are not going backwards but only going forwards in fighting this Corona-situation. Thank you for your help!
Then, today’s workout. A proper conditioning piece with some gymnastics, some weightlifting and some rowing: exactly what CrossFit is supposed to be. Finishing the lunges, row, HSPU and deadlifts within the 4 minutes was a tight one, and then the coaches are telling you that you needed to have at least a minute of rest. But you delivered on our expectations, jammed out the fight we wanted and the energy was pumping.
And what a chaos it was! 2 heats, 4 different movements, organized chaos i’d like to call it. Dumbbells, barbells, ab-mats and rowers everywhere, with constantly people running around the room, doing their thing. It’s a miracle to see how things always turn out fine again, everybody knows clearly what to do and where to run next. We have the pictures as proof;) (there’s more below the picutres!)

Oh, And one more note: We are aware of some problems with mindbody. Unfortunally the app doesn’t always work like we want it to, but we’re in contact with them. If you have anything that doesn’t work right in the app or online environent, please mail to info@crossfitverftet.no and we’ll find a solution for you as soon as possible!
Have a fantastic week you guys, it’s a pretty program again so enjoy it:) – Mart