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Bench & Bodybuilding – 23.september.2020

Oh what do we love these days. For today, no heavy breathing! No grinding through Thrusters and burpees, bare styrketrening. And of these all, the bench is the most comfortable one ever. Because think about it, what else training is there done where you can lay down all the time? Getting stronger while relaxing, does it get any better?

We started the day of with the search for a heavy 8 on the Bench Press. Walking you through the technique of the movements was a part of the warm-up, followed by a whopping 13 minutes time to look for your heavy 8.

Afterwards, it only got better. We got some serious bodybuilding in. The only thing missing was a huge mirror and a couple of tanned dudes in tanktops & baseball caps. Luckly, we didn’t have these, but we did got all the muscles in. Some Arnold Presses, single arm body rows and dumbbells rows. To still remind you of the fact that we are in a CrossFit gym, we threw in a minute of double under practice. We don’t want to make it to easy on you guys!

And pssssssttt, did you like the type of training today? Then I got some news for you:

It might not be a secret that I live for this kind of training. Would you like it to do this for 2 x 90 minutes a week & get some serious strength in? After 2 succesful editions, I will start up a totally new strong course in november. The first and second edition had more or less the same focus points, but this one will be a 100% new one, with a totally different foucs and thought and completely new exercises. Already 6 places have been taken without even announcing it, so if you like to join this one, send me a mail at and I’ll put you on the list.


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