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Bear Complex & Some News – 16.September.2020

Heiaa Bloggææn,

Fun fact. 60% av traffikken som går til hjemmesiden vår/bloggen er fra Russland. Så da får vi si й эй som i følge google translate betyr hei hei :).

Nå er det lenge siden vi har bestilt utstyr og mye av grunnen her er at Korona gjør oss sårbare om det skulle komme en ny nedstengning av Norge. Men nå klarte ikke teamet og vente mer! Romaskin kommer, da får vi 20 stk slik at vi har nok til T2 på BAF :). Manualer, kettlebells, ikke minst flere 15kg, 10kg og 20kg stenger. Samtidig supplering av abmats, pullupstrikker og småvektskiver. Noe av dette har lang leveringstid pga Korona, men det er bestilt og på vei :).


And it´s nice to get some more stuff, because god, we love these weights and barbells! And let that show in today´s workout: The Bear Complex.

In this classis, typical CrossFit barbell benchmark we are going to do some conditioning with something different than a bike or a row. Good old barbell conditioning:

BEAR COMPLEX: 5 sets of

7 rounds unbroken: Deadlift Clean Front Squat Push-Press Backsquats Push-Press

A very, very challenging workout in many ways. In the first place to just pick up that bar. Only knowing that you have to hold on to it for a very, very long time can make it hard to pick it up in the first place. After we found the courage to finally pick it up, there comes the challenge of the medium technical movements involved in this lift. Technical skill means efficiency and efficiency means easier moving! The BEAR complex is therefor just as much a mental workout as a physical. It´s not always the question if you can do 1 more round after 6 rounds. You can always do 1 more deadlift. You can always do 1 more squat. You just have to want it really bad! And looking at the scores of today, you guys wanted it really bad. Thanks again for a great day full of great vibes. We loved it, I hope you did too. For now, eat well, sleep well and see you tomorrow!



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